Sunday, September 30, 2012

Let's talk leggings.....

News flash people, leggings are NOT pants.  They should never be passed off as pants.  They are a layering piece, get it straight. They go under skirts or dresses.  They do not belong paired with long shirts or even shirts that hit at the midriff.  The closest they can be compared to pants are yoga or exercise pants.  If you want skin tight pants, wear some skinny jeans.  And just like skinny jeans, they are not meant for everyone.  You don't see my big ole booty squeezed into some leggings.....although I would wear them appropriately if I did.  ;)

Let's Do The Wave.....Or Not

Either I'm getting more and more fed up with inconsiderate people as I get older, or some people are just plain rude.  When you are sitting in traffic, waiting to pull into the lane that I am in, and I wave for you to go ahead and go in front of me, please feel free to show a little appreciation by doing "the wave".  I don't ask for much, just some acknowledgment of my kindness to you....a stranger.  I can honestly say that I ALWAYS give a little wave to the person that saved me from gathering cobwebs as I wait for the seemingly endless stream of cars to pass before I can pull out onto the road.  I admit, I can sometimes be a bit discriminatory with who I let cut in.  For example, if you are elderly- you're in; a teenager- depends if you look like a punk, if so, then no; a woman in a Lexus talking on her cell phone- OH HELL NO (and don't flip me off because you think I owe you, I don't owe you nothin'); any other random person- you're usually good to go.  And if you remember to wave, I am impressed.....and am tempted to write down your plate # so if I see you again you're in! :)  For those of you "non-wavers" it doesn't really take up much of your precious time to give a little would have spent more time had I not let you cut in.....and maybe next time I won't let you in at all!....and perhaps I shall give a little one-finger wave to YOU instead. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Becoming a honey badger.....

Someone recently told me that they can never tell if I am stressed or not.  That I seem calm with everything.  At the time I was thinking "well maybe on the surface".  However, the more that I think about it, the more I realize.......I am morphing into a honey badger.  This honey badger really doesn't give a #(*$&(#*.  Sometimes you just realize all the drama that once would set you off, no longer matters.  I have decided that since I became a mom 3 years ago, my kids have worn me down into honey badger status.  There is nothing wrong with this.  They have just worn me out to the point where I am too tired to let things stress me out and now I just let things roll off my back.  Now my husband would probably tell you different and that I freak out about everything.  He's just wrong.  He should know a honey badger when he sees one....come on man!


Welcome to our blog about anything and everything and nothing at all.  My sisters and I often joke that we share one brain.  Numerous times this has been proven by one's stupidity at the same moment of another's moment of brilliance.  We are sarcastic and witty and aren't afraid to voice our opinion.  It's our opinion and we are entitled to it.  Could be fact....could be fiction....the world will never know.

We hope you enjoy our antics and stories of every day experiences and random thoughts.  Laugh along with us....or at us.....whatevs.  Come along for the ride.